Author Archive

A Time to Ask

In a book titled Humble Inquiry a social psychologist and retired MIT professor writes about three kinds of humility: 1) “humility that we feel around elders and dignitaries; 2) the humility that we feel in the presence of those who awe us with their achievements; and 3) Here-and-now Humility, which results from our being dependent […]

Jonah and the Word of God

He was a Jewish prophet who, in the 8th century before Christ, spoke words inspired by God. His name, Jonah, meant “dove”—a bird regarded as a symbol of peace. The Backstory– He was first known as a prophet who predicted that Jeroboam 2, the tenth king of the northern tribes of Israel, would conquer lands […]

The Word that Changes Us

What comes to mind when we hear “the word of God” or “the word of truth”? 1.  God’s word of provision behind every good gift (Deut 8:3) 2.  A living and eternal Person  (John 1:1-3) 3.  The good news of what the living Christ did and does for us (Eph 1:13) (Eph 5:25-26) (Eph 6:17) […]

A Time to Listen

My guess is that more than a few of us remain pretty amazed at the opportunity to drop by once in a while, check out the conversation, and as we care to, compare notes, anonymously, with people from all over the world—about matters that are important to us. But having said that, I wonder how […]

Hate the Sin but Love the Sinner?

There may be a point in the distinction between hating the sin and loving the sinner. But it’s risky business. And some of us might be better off leaving the job to someone else. By now, more than a few of us have probably discovered that it is hard to point our finger at anyone […]

A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance

With tornadoes cutting swaths of destruction across the US South and Midwest, families in Malaysia, China, and South Korea continue to mourn their lost; as many more in the Ukraine and Russia move to the edge of war… as our world moans… as we grieve our losses… and as our God groans with and for […]

Heartbleed and Identity Theft

Someone left the backdoor open. Until recently no one realized the problem. Computer hackers could come and go without being noticed. While the technical side of the internet and computing world may elude us, the idea of an unlocked door to our personal information probably isn’t too hard to understand. Thanks to alarms set off […]

There’s Still Hope

The news of late has been unbearable. The search for loved ones lost in the unexplained disappearance of a 777, a square-mile mudslide, and now a sunken ferry has left so many with a loss of hope. Yet what we see and hear in the repetition of daily news only mirrors the tragic losses that […]

Survivor’s Guilt and Deep Gratitude

The story of a 71 year old woman who survived the tragic sinking of a South Korean ferry boat is full of mixed emotion. As she lies on a hospitable be with a broken back, and her life, she expresses survivor’s guilt, and deep gratitude for the young man who hung on to her after […]

What are We Hearing?

What do we hear in the words of a king who sobs over a son who died trying to overthrow his own father, “Oh Absalom, my son Absalom, if only I had died instead of you”? 2Sam 18:33 Is the emotion similar to what we hear in the boldness of a leader who asks for […]

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